Community Announcements

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Recent Activities

RSDMBA Leaders

We, the clergy and laity of the Missionary Baptist Churches of the Rushing Springs District Association, in order to reach, involve, and enlist every member and every Missionary Baptist Church in the Rushing Springs District in the work of Christian Mission,  and Christian Education do join together, to achieve the lofty goal of unity and cooperation of the Missionary Baptist Church in the promulgation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through general and ministerial education and to carry out the Great Commission according to Matthew 28:19-20.
This association's objective is the uniting of Missionary Baptist Churches and their organizations for the promulgation of the Gospel of Jesus of through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, the encouragement and support of Christian Education and support for Selma University in its efforts of being the Alabama Baptist School of choice organized for Christian Education and Home and Foreign Mission.  The Association is composed of members duly chosen by the different churches in our union and the bounds prescribed by the Association. These people bring letters from their churches certifying their appointment.